Verse (Main Collections)
A Year in the Bull Box
Arc Publications ISBN 978-1906570-78-1 / 978-1906570-79-8
Life Class
Shoestring Press. ISBN 978 1 904886 98 3
Neighbours Macmillan 1970, Dufour (U.S.A.) 1971
(Poetry Book Society Recommendation) & Welsh Arts Council Poetry Prize)
Rest The Poor Struggler
Macmillan 1972 ISBN 333 13830 9
Best of Neighbours (Selected Poems)
Ceolfrith Press 1979 ISBN 0 904461 57
Dancing Out Of The Dark Side
Shoestring Press 2005. ISBN 1 904886 21 3
Two Marriages
Shoestring Press 2007 (Extracts from long autobiographical poem in progress)
ISBN 978 1 904886 69 3
The Summer The Dictators Fell
Goldmark 2005 isbn 1 870507 36 3 (hardback) 1 870507 41 X (paperback)
Where I Used To Play On The Green
Gollancz 1982 Penguin 1984 (with intro by Ted Hughes)
(Guardian Fiction Prize. Also David Higham Prize)
The Hawthorn Goddess
Chatto & Windus 1984 &1992,
Penguin 1985
The Rape Of The Rose
Chatto & Windus 1987 & 1992
Penguin 1989, Simon & Schuster(U.S.A)1993
The Antique Collector
Simon & Schuster (U.K. & U.S.A. 1990))
Sceptre 1990
Simon & Schuster 1992
Sceptre 1993
Transqworld 1996
Black Swan 1997
St Martin's Press (U.S.A.) 1996
Short stories
The Summer The Dictators Fell. (About Greece) (With drawings by Christopher Wood) Goldmark, Uppingham, Leics. ISBN 1 870507 41 X
Stage plays
Mary Hepton’s Heaven
Coliseum Theatre, Oldham 1984
BBC plays for Radio 4
(on the artist J.M.W.Turner) Sept 13th 1999
Mr Lowry's Loves
(on L.S.Lowry) May 16th 2001
Glorious John
August 8th 2002
When Twilight Falls
6th July 2004
Dreams Of A Working Man
12th October 2005
Verse plays for children
The Yorkshire Woman
Radio 4 1978.
Radio 4 1979
The Stranger
Radio 4 1979
BBC Schools TV plays
Alone On The Moors 1975
One Man Alone 1976